J.A.T. template series was designed 2006 by 4bp.de: www.4bp.de, www.oltrogge.ws

Oysters use more energy building up their shell through the winter and the fish is usually still flat and poor condition ( for selling that is), we usually have the stock in Rollies and submersed for long periods of time in a quiet part of the river system, the new lip can remain quite soft until it is exposed to the atmosphere.

Towards the end of Winter start of Spring, we grade the Oysters and relocate them to an open part of the river the grading process as well the use of wave chop and the Oyster being in baskets and out of the tide, the Oyster use energy to build up the fish, they do continue to grow the shell, but not as rapid as the winter period . Our oyster start to get good condition from about September and are at their best November December, and can continue through to April, if we still have stock.

There are 3 baskets per set. The baskets are held on a post and rail system with large rubber bands.

Testing washing booms baskets on punt baskets on new rack

J.A.T. template series was designed 2006 by 4bp.de: www.4bp.de, www.oltrogge.ws