J.A.T. template series was designed 2006 by 4bp.de: www.4bp.de, www.oltrogge.ws
Opening and Serving

How to Open an Oyster

After 2? years depending on the oyster, they are ready for opening.

An oyster knife is placed in the hinge at the base of the oyster, holding firm, press the knife in to pop the lid, great force is not required, once the lid has popped, slide the knife forward along the inside top to cut the muscle attached to the lid. There is also a muscle on the bottom shell directly under where you have cut the muscle from the lid oyster is flipped over for presentation. Down the hatch.

insert knife under lip pop the lid opened down the hatch

There are many ways to serve oysters and many recipes for preparation.

However our serving suggestion is to eat them raw with a few drops of fresh lemon juice....Yum

J.A.T. template series was designed 2006 by 4bp.de: www.4bp.de, www.oltrogge.ws